(877) 755-6868

LM Arte Kit by Style Italiano


LM Art Composite Instrument Set is composed of 5 Instruments, Arte Eccesso, Arte Applica, Arte Fissura, Arte Condesa, and Arte Misura. They are sold individually as well.

SKU: LM-6840 ES Categories: ,


LM-Arte is a set of innovative instruments for aesthetic restorations. Instruments have been developed in co-operation with Style Italiano, a group of dentists specialized in aesthetic dentistry. LM-Arte instruments are especially designed for composite layering. They are made of high-quality and non-stick LM-DuraGradeMax -super steel with exceptional polish. Each LM-Arte instrument is color-coded and named by its main function which enables easy, efficient and quick restorative treatments. Designed by Walter Devoto DDS and Dr. Angelo Putignano DDS.


Additional information

Weight 1 oz

